Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Secrets to Happiness

Hey, fam. I've been thinking a lot about happiness lately. Isn't it funny how it's a little different for everybody? Really, I want to know what makes YOU happy, so I'll share my own list in random order to get the ball rolling.
1. Eating good food. Preferably lots of it and with people I really love. People I really like will do.
2. Knowing the difference between goals and dreams. Goals are dependent on me and only me. Write at least 50 words in my journal. Read the scriptures to the kids for 10 minutes every night. Go to bed by 10:30. Finish my book by Sunday.
3. Knowing the difference between getting things done and being busy. It's easy to be busy. Getting things done requires planning and diligence and sometimes patience.
4. Charles Dickens. Every word is butter. Sweet cream butter.
5. Oscar Wilde. Brilliant and absolutely hilarious.
6. Watching "Tangled" with my family. This movie has grown on me since the first time I watched it and I just love it. Makes me laugh and cry.
7. Playing "Just Dance 2" on the Wii. Before I know it we've all spent an hour or two laughing and sweating and dancing and oh-no-Porter's-going-to-be-late-for-school!!!!!
8. A nice walk in the sunshine.
9. Being grateful. It's just a baby step behind happiness. Baby steps. Ba-by steps... (If a certain movie doesn't immediately come to mind, it's okay. I love you anyway.)
10. ENJOY. "The Screwtape Letters" dedicates several pages to this subject. I can't compare with C.S. Lewis at his worst, so why try when he's at his best? Go look it up.

Now it's your turn!!!


  1. Hum. I thought I posted a comment?! Maybe it wasn't very good and got thrown out. This is very, very good. I really enjoyed it. I so wish everyone would share. (Know some are in overload but hopefully soon can hear from everyone.) I never heard of Tangled, but I will check it out. Or the Ba-by steps. BUT I want a demonstration of the WI and dancing. Let the kids take turns video-ing this. Can't believe what these kids know. Thanks again.

  2. P.S. This was not meant to be something extremely thought out... just my list of 10 things that came to mind... like now, peppermint body wash and hazelnut tea and listening to Logan and Jessie play with toys...

  3. Talana - that was so awesome. I read this a few weeks ago and thought I posted something, but then realized I wasn't logged in. Anyways, that brought me a nice big smile to read all that. Sure glad you're my sister.
